Blue Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) and Blue Lily (Nymphaea spp.) have gained immense popularity in recent years due to their rich history with the Egyptian people, both for its reportedly intoxicating effects and its use as a sexual enhancer.
Application: Excellent for cosmetic applications. Very Good Floralizer for fragrances and very good in burning
Blends well with: Geranium,Frankincense,Benzoin, Neroli, Bergamot,Mimosa,
Sandalwood, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Vetiver.Musks
Blue Lotus is an aquatic plant that belongs to the Nymphaeaceae family. The flowers of blue lotus are found in the muddy pond which opens in the morning and collapses at the night. Its common name is Bluewater lily Blur lily of the Nile, Egyptian lily, Blue Lotus.
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