Sandalwood Soap: Sweet, warm, snow sandalwood scent can heal dry skin, skin infections and remove blemishes. Sandalwood helps to promote blood circulation, and it can be sensed. Make exquisite birthday gifts for mom or dad, mother’s day, father’s day or Christmas gifts.
Dry and dry skin: our skin is moisturized and will not dry out. Naturally dry skin has fine particles that can be cleanly cleaned, leaving any residue. They will not make your skin softer and softer.
Natural ingredients: Our micro-fragrance ingredients do not contain LS, natural ingredients or active ingredients.
Long-lasting charm: Our long-lasting fragrance is made of a blend of essential oils and organic fragrances, so you can ensure that all of the real natural soap lasts until the soap is used up.
Disclaimer- the actual situation we discuss may be different.
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